According to key opinion leaders in biopharma cold chain, the biopharma industry is increasing its pace to prioritize sustainability in business and operational strategies. Nearly half of all respondents already always factor sustainability into cold chain purchasing decisions.
Overall, the survey uncovered three key trends. The first trend indicates that although 66 percent of organizations rate sustainability as very important, valuing sustainability hasn’t yet translated into widespread action. More than half of respondents–53 percent–reported their companies don’t currently use sustainable or green initiatives in their organizations. But organizations have a desire to work with companies that help them advance their sustainability goals, ultimately moving sustainability from valuable to actionable.
The second trend speaks to how cold chain partners can help advance biopharma companies’ sustainability goals and how biopharma companies seek to partner with like-minded organizations. More than half (53 percent) of biopharma companies indicate that it’s very important to choose cold chain packaging options that advance their organization’s sustainability.
The final trend reveals that recyclability and lower emissions matter. Greater focus is being put on how cold chain packaging is constructed, with increasingly high value placed on cold chain packaging that is recyclable or can more easily enter the waste stream. Nearly half of respondents (48 percent) always look for packaging with these characteristics.