Temperature Control for Direct to Patient and Direct from Patient Shipments

Jul 12, 2022

Enrolling patients in clinical trials is increasingly challenging. First the globalization and diversification of clinical trials, then the COVID-19 pandemic and its inherent limitations. In response to these challenges, decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) became a popular alternative to traditional clinical trials.

DCTs augment more regimented, in-person approaches with adaptive, data-driven alternatives. Many now also place increasing emphasis on patient-centered and at-home participation. But just as with typical clinical trials, DCTs present a number of challenges for sponsors. One of the biggest hurdles is the safety and viability of samples collected from and treatments shipped directly to patients. 

Learn more about how direct-to- and direct-from-patient shipments differ from larger scale cold chain shipments in our recent white paper.

Diagnostics and Sampling applications using NanoCool parcel shippers